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Vanessa Boato

Assisted an investment management firm on the business and food and beverage supply activities to be performed in the real estate located in Rome.
Assisted our client, a retail company, in view of the potential sale of s Shopping Centre located in Sicily.
Assisted the client, a captive investment and asset manager for real estate, in connection to the acquisition of a logistic park in Lombardy with Town Planning, building and environmental issues.
Assisted the client, a global investment management firm, with in the acquisition of a property in Milan. The advice includes the town planning and building aspects, the relationship with the competent Authorities, the potential impact of the new anti-Covid-19 provisions of law on the pending administrative proceedings, the tax aspects.
Advised the Client - acting on behalf of a real estate fund - in connection with the development of a wide area located in Marche Region for the realization of a residential real estate complex, including a complex which shall provide, among others, services for senior citizens and other categories of people (so called “Residenza Sanitaria Assistita – RSA”).
Assisted a real estate fund management company, in connection with town planning aspects for the acquisition, by a fund managed by it, of a real estate complex composed of 6 buildings for office use destination, located in Rome.
Assisted a company that provides real estate financing services on the drafting of a memorandum, related to the revision of certain documents such as title deeds and planning permissions.
Assisted the client, a German banking group, on behalf of a parent company in the purchase of a real estate property in Milan for office use. Our advisory included the preliminary analysis of the town planning, building, environmental, fitness for use and fire prevention aspects, the change of destination of use, the identification of the proceedings aimed at the regularization of specific aspects of the building.
Assisted the client, the largest co-living company in Europe, in relation to the project having as object 3 real estate buildings used as Student Residence, located in Turin and in Milan.
Assisted the client, the largest co-living company in Europe, with legal assistance concerning the issues related to the development projects of properties to be used as residences, including the property to be built in Milan.
Assisted the client, a real estate investment management company, in the context of the participation to the public auction for the acquisition of a strategic building owned by the Municipality of Milan, negotiation and drafting of the sale and purchase agreement after the conclusion of the public auction.
Assisted the client, a leading global investment banking, in the drafting of a legal opinion, concerning town planning and tax aspects related to a luxury residential building owned by the client located in Milan.
Assisted the client, a real estate investment management company, in the context of the acquisition by a primary regulated entity invested by the client of a real estate asset located in a strategic street in Turin.
Assisted the client, the largest co-living company in Europe, on the redevelopment of seven real estate properties used as “student accommodations”, located in Bologna, Parma, Como, Trieste and Siena. In particular, we have provided the client with legal assistance concerning urban planning issues.
Assisted the client, an Italian manufacturer of Italian lifting appendix, with legal support in the context of several public tender procedures for the supply of specific components necessary for the realization and the functioning of the railway infrastructures of a company of the National Railway Group.
Acting on behalf of an international real estate investment fund, in the purchase of an entire real estate complex located in Milan, subject to the verification of some conditions precedent.
Assistance to an Italian cancer center, one of the best in Europe, on the main contractual aspects related to the development of an innovative proton-based therapy project together with a medical technology company based in Belgium, the value of the investment is estimated at 40 million euros for the first three years. We assisted the client in several aspects of the project including the procedure for the selection of the contractor, the drafting of the contract and the possible selection of the contractor.
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