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Craig J. Edwards

Craig is a litigation special counsel. He has substantial experience in commercial litigation, public liability, personal injury, insurance, intentional tort, finance, restructuring and insolvency matters. Craig presently manages major commercial litigation matters including defending major public liability claims, intentional torts and general personal injury claims. He also has substantial experience in acting for banks, receivers, administrators and trustees in litigation and has advised on powers and duties.

Craig has significant experience as a solicitor advocate in the Magistrates, County and Supreme Courts in Victoria and the Magistrates, District and Supreme Courts in Queensland. He regularly represents clients at mediations. He has also practiced in Queensland and New Zealand.

Prior to K&L Gates, Craig worked at an Australian commercial law firm. He also spent two years working at a full-service law firm in New Zealand.

  • Law Institute of Victoria Member.
  • Volunteer solicitor for the Western Suburbs Legal Service (now WEstJustice) generalist night service, Laverton, Melbourne from November 2012 to February 2018 (the service was discontinued in April 2018).
  • "Voidable Transactions in New Zealand", 6th Annual Corporate Insolvency Conference in Auckland, New Zealand, 2006
  • "Reform of Personal and Corporate Insolvency Laws in New Zealand", Insol World, Fourth Quarter, 2006.
  • "Australia's Safe Harbour Law - A Better Outcome for Restructuring and Entrepreneurship?" (2019) 27 Insolvency Law Journal 66.
  • "Australia and Singapore – Differences in Applications to Set Aside an Arbitral Award?" (2019) 29 Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal 234
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