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Our Commitment to Diversity


John Monroe

The successful defence and settlement of multiple union enterprise agreement disputes and underpayment claims brought against a glass manufacturer during the course of enterprise bargaining.
Acted for an employer association in the education industry in the interpretation of the complex long service leave entitlements arising from a number of a pre-modern awards
Acted for a major national sporting organisation in the disciplinary proceedings against 3 players under their code of conduct, which were widely publicised in Australia and internationally, including advice on the disciplinary process, drafting charges, and resolving a dispute with one of the players.
Acted for a large not for profit organisation in responding to a Fair Work Ombudsman investigation into their payment of employees under the SCHADS Award, including assisting them to understand a complex web of current and legacy industrial instruments across a number of States and Territories
Representing a fitness industry franchisor and its 13 franchisees in the concurrent response to an ongoing Fair Work Ombudsman investigation, defence and settlement of substantial union claims of enterprise agreement breaches and the negotiation of a single enterprise agreement covering all franchisees.
Providing advice to a federal agency on the prospects of litigation against a registered employee organisation dealing with allegations of corruption and misappropriation of funds.
Advised a global paint manufacturer in contentious enterprise bargaining for one of its Australian sites, including responding to employee industrial action implementing a lockout of employees, and negotiating terms which allowed it greater freedom in rostering
Successfully defending a Victorian tertiary institution in a long-running dispute regarding the redundancy of a high level executive, including in internal appeal procedures and Fair Work Commission proceedings.
Assisted a major national sporting organisation in the development of its gender diversity policy and balancing the discrimination and fair competition aspects of its approach to participation in community and elite sport
Successfully acted for a not for profit organisation and its executive in the resolution of a serious sexual harassment claim against the executive
Successfully defending a Victorian emergency services provider in artbitration regarding claims of procedural unfairness in disciplinary and performance investigations
Successfully defending a major Victorian hospital in a protracted general protections trial of claims of adverse action and bullying following highly publicised complaints against the hospital's management.
Assisting a Victorian utilities agency in negotiations for a new enterprise agreement, including their response to a protected action ballot order and the successful conciliation of multiple disputes regarding the terms of the agreement before the Fair Work Commission.
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