Matt is a globally recognized dual-qualified international arbitration practitioner and litigator. He is a New York lawyer as well as a solicitor in England & Wales, and his practice covers all aspects of international dispute resolution, including lead counsel advocacy in arbitrations and transnational litigations, and advising on public international law and enforcement proceedings. He is a practice group coordinator of the firm’s International Arbitration group and is consistently identified as a leader in his field, including by Chambers USA, Lexology Index (formerly Who’s Who Legal), and Best Lawyers®. In Chambers USA (2022), client accolades included, “Matt is incredibly dedicated and resourceful,” “well versed with dispute resolution procedures,” and “his responsiveness is impressive.” One client in Chambers USA (2023) noted, “Matt has the uncanny ability to pick up complex matters quickly,” and another client in Chambers USA (2024) reported that he is “an astute tactician, a gifted technical lawyer, is great with clients and a popular and likeable team player.”
Matt has represented sovereigns, multinationals, financial institutions, SOEs, and ultra-high-net-worth individuals across wide variety of industries, including LNG, construction, mining, oil & gas, renewables, life sciences, licensing, manufacturing, space, distribution, finance, real estate, technology, maritime, and aviation. He has also served as an arbitrator. He has represented clients in arbitrations governed by all major rules, including those of the ICC, AAA, JAMS, ICDR, HKIAC, SIAC, SCC, LCIA, and ICSID, as well as the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. Matt’s work is regularly featured in Global Arbitration Review, Investment Arbitration Reporter and Law360.
- Recognized by The Legal 500 United States as a Recommended Lawyer for International Arbitration, 2024
- Recognized by Chambers USA for
- International Arbitration: Counsel nationally, 2024
- International Arbitration: Enforcement nationally, 2022-2024
- Visiting Scholar, University of Oxford (2009)
- Advisory Board, Institute for Transnational Arbitration
- Board of Directors, New York International Arbitration Center
- Editorial Board, ITA in Review (2015-2021)
- Global Advisory Board, ICDR Y&I (2017-2019)
- Advisory Board, Lex:lead
- GAR Live: New York, 2023, A New Era of Enforcement for Award Creditors (2023)
- "US-German Post-M&A Disputes – A Moderated Discussion on Cross-Atlantic Perspectives," DIS@NYAW 2023
- Union Internationale des Avocats, Investor-State Disputes Arising from the Pandemic Webinar (2021)
- International Institute for Conflict Prevention & Resolution, India Supplement to the CRP Corporate Counsel Manual for Cross Border Dispute Resolution, New York (2019)
- How to Know and Understand Arbitrators from Chinese, Asian and Global Perspectives - CYAG / ICDR Y&I, Beijing (2017)
- ICDR Y&I Roundtable @ FDI Moot Regional Rounds, Seoul (2017)
- ICDR & ICDR Y&I Tertulia: Deliberating the Deliberations - The ICDR Miami International Arbitration Conference (2016)
- Oil & Gas Arbitration: A Primer on Dispute Resolution Clauses for Transactional Lawyers - ICDR / AIPN Dispute Resolution Conference, Calgary (2014)
- The Guide to M&A Arbitration: United States [Global Arbitration Review]
- How To Prep For Investor-State Disputes Related To COVID-19 [Law360]
- Corporate Counsel Manuel for Cross-Border Dispute Resolution in India [CPR 2019]
- Using Anti-Suit Injunction to Enforce Arbitration Agreements [Law360]
- China’s Belt & Road Initiative: A Conversation with Dr Gabriel Lentner on Investment Protection
- Suit Injunctions and Anti-Arbitration Injunctions in the US Enjoining Foreign Proceedings [Practical Law]
- The Year in Review (2015) [ABA Section of International Law and Practice]
- The International Comparative Legal Guide to: Litigation & Dispute Resolution 2014 (7th Edition)
- The Year in Review 2013 - An Annual Survey of International Legal Developments [ABA]
- Mentioned, "EU Says €291M Arbitration Award Violates European Law," Law360, 3 June 2022
- Mentioned, "Romania Seeks Relief From Award After CJEU Ruling As It Appeals Sanctions," Mealey's Litigation Procedure, 1 April 2022
- Mentioned, "Spain fails to annul largest renewables award," Global Arbitration Review, 28 March 2022
- Mentioned, "Romania Requests Interpretation of 2013 Micula Award in Light of Ongoing US Enforcement Proceedings," Investment Arbitration Reporter, 7 March 2022
- Mentioned, "Panama faces billion-dollar claim over mining project," Global Arbitration Review, 6 October 2021
- Mentioned, "Law360 Names Attys Who Moved Up The Firm Ranks In Q2," Law360, 18 August 2021
- Mentioned, "Romania Says It Already Paid Swedish Food Investors' Award," Appellate Law360, Food & Beverage Law360, and International Arbitration Law360, 19 May 2021
- Mentioned, "Court Erred By Ruling Payment In Romania Didn't Satisfy Award, D.C. Circuit Told," Mealey's Litigation Procedure, 18 May 2021