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Reconciliation Action Plan

28 September 2020

K&L Gates has launched the 2020-2021 Reflect Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). 
As a firm, we have provided access to justice for many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and organisations, principally through our pro bono activities in Western Australia and the Northern Territory. We now formalise the firm’s commitment to the essential work of reconciliation.

We share a vision for a just, equitable, and reconciled Australia.

To achieve that vision, we must engage in dialogue with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to understand how we can actively support reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in our business activities and the community more broadly.

The tasks of reconciliation are multifaceted. Initially, our challenge is to build a stronger awareness of our collective responsibility for these tasks. We will do this by building on the opportunities and relationships our previous work has provided us, along with new collaborations with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, to better understand what is required of us to achieve meaningful progress.

Our aim is to grow, through deeper collaboration, our awareness of and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples achievements, and a greater understanding of the variety of challenges and socio economic circumstances that affect equality for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, including access to justice.

Increasing the representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples within the legal industry will be part of our plan by encouraging opportunities to pursue careers in law.

We would like to thank Reconciliation Australia for their guidance in the development and successful launch of our RAP and we look forward to collaborating with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as part of the reconciliation journey.

K&L Gates is a fully integrated global law firm with lawyers located across five continents. The firm represents leading multinational corporations, growth and middle-market companies, capital markets participants and entrepreneurs in every major industry group as well as public sector entities, educational institutions, philanthropic organizations and individuals.

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