Remote Working Abroad – What Employers Need to Know
During the pandemic, some employees took advantage of the new remote working environment by setting up home offices outside of their home countries, staying with family or friends abroad. As companies begin considering what their post-pandemic work environments will look like, and are keen to be seen to embracing remote working, many are considering whether to extend their remote working policies to allow employees to base themselves in other countries. This new way of remote working brings a variety of legal issues that employers need to consider before permitting foreign working.
This webinar highlights the issues which employers should consider when their employees decide to work abroad remotely. Our European Employment lawyers, Paul Callegari (UK), Nils Neumann (Germany), Roberto Podda (Italy) and Christine Artus (Paris) explain what employers should look out from an employment law perspective in each country, as well as flagging other issues such as health and safety, immigration, GDPR, and tax. They also discuss what to do if you currently have employees working abroad to mitigate any risks associated from this remote working.
We aim to educate general counsels, HR directors, and C-suite level executives from different jurisdictions on these important issues.