Claude-Étienne Armingaud
Claude-Etienne Armingaud is a partner in the firm's Paris office and a member of the Technology Transactions and Sourcing practice group. He is also a practice group coordinator for the Data Protection, Privacy, and Security practice group. His practice relies on extensive experience in understanding technological and structural processes, which allows for innovative approaches to solidify his client's business models and protect their intangible assets, at all stages of their growth.
Claude-Etienne advises clients active in the digital industries, with a particular interest in innovative services and notably fintech and blockchain-based services, connected and autonomous cars and automotive sector, data optimization and valuation, notably in the IoT sector.
He has notably been involved in the connected car ecosystem, on R&D projects relating to experimentation of autonomous cars, partnership agreements for the development of in-car connected services and the assistance of value-added service startups for the negotiation of the CNIL/French Data Protection Authority's compliance package for connected vehicles. He is a regular speaker about the legal aspects pertaining to connected and autonomous vehicles, notably at the Connected Car Conference in Paris, the Connected Mobility Conference in Lille, The Future of Transportation World Conference in Cologne and Vienna and the Global Manufacturing and Industralization Summit in Abu Dhabi.
He also assists clients with their General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance process, including risk analysis and contractual implementation of data processing and data sharing services and implementation of Big Data projects notably within the artificial intelligence industry.
Global Approach
Claude-Etienne's legal experience draws on both a French civil law practice and American common law training. He provides his clients with a multicultural approach to their needs, be it for American entities doing business in continental Europe as well as European companies looking to expand their reach.
Start-up Experience
Claude-Etienne regularly advises start-up companies in matters relating to securing their intellectual property, be it from in-house or external providers or employees, as well as securing their process from the start to ensure a streamlined evolution towards more advanced stages of growth.
Innovative Services Experience
Claude-Etienne possesses extensive experience in understanding technological and structural processes, ranging from customer and prospect data optimization to enforcing intellectual property rights. He regularly assists service and content providers on both their front and back office matters.
Representative Industries
Claude-Etienne has worked with companies in a variety of industries, including online services, technology, pharmaceutical and biotechnology, retail and consumer products, videogame publishing and banking.
With this global approach, Claude-Etienne regularly assists his clients in litigation and regulatory matters at French, European, and international levels on:
- e-commerce;
- media and content distribution;
- data protection and consumer protection;
- defamation and online reputation;
- internal and external fraud;
- counterfeiting and IP infringement;
- internet liability;
- advertising, betting, and gaming.
Claude-Etienne was an associate at one of the largest French law firms and more than three years at the Paris office of a U.S. firm. He focused on all aspects of IP/IT law, with an emphasis on interdisciplinary data privacy, online gambling and marketing, international and national technology agreements, dematerialization, cryptography, and IPR portfolio management, as well as banking and regulatory compliance issues (SOX, discovery, Sapin II, etc.).
He also worked at the French Cybercrime Bureau (“OCLCTIC”, Ministry of the Interior).
Professional Certification
- IAPP’s Certified Information Privacy Professional CIPP/E
- OneTrust Certified Privacy Professional
Privacy and Information Technology
- Recognized by Chambers Europe as an Up-and-Coming Individual for TMT: Data Protection, 2024
- Listed in The Best Lawyers in France™ for Privacy and Data Security Law, 2021-present
- Recognized by The Legal 500 EMEA in France
- Leading Individual for Data Privacy and Data Protection, 2021-2024
- Recommended Lawyer for Industry focus: IT and Internet, 2023-2024
- Recognized by Global Data Review, GDR 100, 2021-2022
- Recognized by Leaders League/Décideurs
- Highly Recommended for Data protection Law
- Highly Recommended for IT, software & digital projects
- Recommended for Internet
- Recommended for E-Health
- Recommended by Who's Who Legal
- Recommended for Data Privacy and Protection
- Recommended for Information Technology
Intellectual Property
- Recognized by The Legal 500 EMEA
- Leading Individual for Trade Marks & Designs
- Recommended Lawyer for IT, telecoms, and the internet, 2016-2019
- Recognized by Leaders League/Décideurs
- Highly Recommended for IP - Trademark Litigation
- Recommended for Management of trademark, design and model portfolios
- Recommended for e-Health & biotechnology
- KnowledgeNet Chapter Chair, Paris, International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP)
- CIPP/E, International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP)
- Member, American Bar Association
- Member, New York State Bar Association
- Member, Cornell Club of Paris
- Global Developments: CCPA and Beyond, IAPP Data Protection Intensive: France, 13 February 2020
- Brexit Update, by Dr. Annette Mutschler-Siebert, M. Jur. (Oxon), Arthur Artinian, Dr. Christian Büche, Claude-Étienne Armingaud, Daniel F. C. Crowley, Giovanni Campi, Jennifer P.M. Marsh, John D. Magnin, D. Mark McMillan, Dr. Matthias Grund, LL.M., Piers Coleman, Michelle Moran, Raminta Dereskeviciute, Louisa A. Cole, 2 September 2019
- AI & Society - What Artificial Intelligence for What Society Project?, Turing Club & Viuz.com, 4 July 2019
- 2nd Annual AI In Corporate Counsel & Law Practice, TBM Group, Vienna, Austria, 13-14 June, 2019
- AI & Society - What Artificial Intelligence for What Society Project?, Turing Club & Viuz.com, 4 July 2019
- 2nd Annual AI In Corporate Counsel & Law Practice, TBM Group, Vienna, Austria, 13-14 June, 2019
- The U.S. – EU Digital Agenda, Trans-Atlantic Business Council and K&L Gates Symposium, Washington, DC, 10 December 2018
- Changing Global Data Breach Notification Laws, International Association of Privacy Professionals, Paris, 15-Nov-18
- Data, Users & Devices : Administrer la sécurité, Conseils & Solutions (IAM, DLP, SIEM, SOC … être GDPR-ready), CNIS Magazine Conférence, Paris, 14 December 2017
- GDPR applied to the non-profit sector: How to be compliant by May 2018?, ENCATC, Brussels, 12 December 2017
- LawTalk: GDPR attack, GC Futures Summit 2017, London, 26 September 2017
- GDPR Incident Response — How to Prepare, International Association of Privacy Professionals, Paris, 7 September 2017
- “#CQTM démonte le web - All your data are belong to us,” CQTM, 2 July 2013
Intellectual Property
- Intellectual Property, Innovation and Protection - the new challenges of the digital revolution, APCO Worldwide, Paris, 22 March 2018
Connected Mobility
- Key changes to the AV regulatory framework and their effect on AV developments in France and the EU, The Future of Transportation World Conference 2019, 10 December 2019
- Connecting the Dots: U.S. and International Issues and Regulatory Developments on Connected Cars/Autonomous Vehicles, K&L Gates / Access Partnership, Washington, DC, 6 December 2017
- Comment le véhicule connecté interroge-t-il le droit commercial actuel dans les services auto ?, AutoActu - Symposium L'Après Vente à l'Heure du Véhicule Connecté, Paris, 15 November 2017
- Table Ronde - Ma voiture, mes données : comment la réglementation permettra au consommateur d'exercer son choix ?, AutoActu - Symposium L'Après Vente à l'Heure du Véhicule Connecté, Paris, 15 November 2017
- “What effect will disruptive mobility technology and new personal transportation options have on business models and strategies for automotive manufacturers” - The Future of Transportation World Conference, 6 July 2017
- “What’s Your Wallet: The Privacy & Security of In-Car Payment Systems”, TRUSTe Privacy Risk Summit, San Francisco, 6 June 2017
- “How will the data-driven economy and internet of things fuel the connected car industry and can global compliance be reached?”, Global Manufacturing and Industrialisation Summit, Abu Dhabi, 28 March 2017
- “K&L Gates Addresses Legal Implications of a New World Driven by 4IR Technologies”, Global Manufacturing and Industrialisation Summit – Press Conference, 7 March 2017
- “Conférence Automobile Connectée - La véritable « Privacy by design »,” Journal de l'Automobile, Paris, 2 March 2017
- “Legal Workshop,” Connected Mobility Day, Lilles, 16 November 2016
- “Conférence Automobile Connectée : Table ronde #1 – Produits et services : les tendances de 2016,” Le Journal de l'Automobile, Paris, 16 February 2016
- The evolving regulatory environment of ICO in France and the EU, The Bay Pay Forum / K&L Gates, Paris, 1 March 2018
- US Startups in France - Making it Work, Business France & K&L Gates, San Francisco; 11 February 2018
- “Sapin II - Organisational Risk and Crisis Management”, K&L Gates Paris Conference, Paris, 15 June 2017
- “Blockchain – Which opportunities lie ahead?,” Association of Corporate Counsel Europe, Paris, 8 December 2016
- “Legal workshop: Future ISP liability,” Internet Service Provider Association UK, London, 24 November 2016
- “L'avocat à l'ère numérique,” FNUJA de Draguignan, 6 March 2015
- “The Digital Lawyer - Online marketing & communication for law firms,” EFB / Conseil National des Barreaux, 30 October 2014
- “Avocat connecté - Connaître son client et se faire connaître en ligne,” Table ronde IREDIC "Quel(s) droit(s) pour les réseaux sociaux ?", Aix-en-Provence, 20 February 2014
- “ISPA Conference 2013: The Internet industry: what lies ahead?,” Internet Service Provider Association – UK, London, 27 November 2013
- “La création dans tous ses états : éclatement des œuvres, matérialisation du virtuel,” 18 June 2013
- “Les Mutations de L’Œuvre- La création dans tous ses états : éclatement des œuvres, matérialisation du virtuel” – 18 June 2013
- “ISPA Conference '11 - Internet & Society,” Internet Service Provider Association – UK, London, 9 November 2011
- “Monitoring Workers in the United Kingdom,” The Global Regulatory Developments Journal, July-August 2024
- Les pirates sont des personnes concernées comme les autres - Le RGPD à l’abordage !, Revue Lamy Droit de l'Immatériel n°164, November 2019
- Surveiller et punir à l’aune du RGPD : l’harmonisation à l’épreuve de la diversité européenne, Revue Lamy Droit de l'Immatériel n°163, October 2019
- En attendant ePrivacy : Les données personnelles sont une tragicomédie en deux actes, Revue Lamy Droit de l'Immatériel n°161, July 2019
- L'essentiel ne saurait être invisible pour les yeux - Retour sur les lignes directrices sur la transparence, Revue Lamy Droit de l'Immatériel n°161, July 2019
- Un an d'application du RGPD : la fin du commencement, Légipresse N ° 373, July 2019
- Le consentement : le faux-ami des bases légales ?, Revue Lamy Droit de l'Immatériel n°160, June 2019
- Profilage, décisions individuelles automatisées et publicité ciblée : to agree, or not to agree, is that the question ?, Revue Lamy Droit de l'Immatériel n°160, June 2019
- Japan and the EU Create a Free Flow of Data, InfoSecurity Magazine, 17 January 2019
- Protection des données personnelles : les États à la peine face aux GAFAM, inscription à la Constitution ou non, Atlantico.fr, July 2018
- L’explosion du « Big Data » : coup de grisou juridique dans le «data mining», Option Droit & Affaires, 11 September 2013
Intellectual Property
- Une victoire à double tranchant ? Retour sur l’annulation partielle de la marque Laguiole par la CJUE, Revue Lamy Droit de l'Immatériel, n°137, May 2017
- Photo et Web 2.0 : quand les juges se font critiques d'art et plus sévères sur la preuve de « l'originalité », Edition Multimédi@, 12 February 2016
- L’État traque les hackers... mais qui contrôle l’État quand il se fait lui-même pirate ?, Atlantico.fr, 3 November 2011
- Les frontières juridiques du Goncourt, La Carte et le Territoire / The digital & legal borders of a literary price, Actualitte.com, 20 December 2010
Connected Mobility
- Regulating Connected and Autonomous Vehicles - A French Revolution, The Future of Transportation - Executive Briefing 2019, October 2019
- La limite à la géolocalisation des salaries, Revue Lamy Droit de l'Immatériel n°158, April 201
- Véhicules autonomes : la France avance pour relever le défi, Le Monde du Droit, June 2018
- “Acquiring an AI Company,” Thomson Reuters Practical Law, January 2024
- Les technologies de l’information dans un contexte de fusion / acquisition : EBITDA ne peut s’écrire sans bits, Fusions & Acquisitions Magazine, July 2018
- Spamalot ou la quête des consentements nécessaires au filtrage des courriers électroniques, Revue Lamy Droit de l'Immatériel, n°138, June 2017
- La blockchain et l’espace de confiance électronique européen, Revue Pratique de la Prospective et de l’Innovation - Lexisnexis Jurisclasseur, October 2016
- La lettre recommandée électronique – Le législateur sonne toujours deux fois, Revue Lamy Droit de l'Immatériel, n°123, February 2016
- Projet de loi numérique : ces mesures plébiscitées par les internautes qui peuvent mettre le gouvernement dans une position délicate, Atlantico.fr, 21 October 2015
- Interview sur la Signature Électronique, Atlantico.fr, 16 October 2015
- La perception du droit de la concurrence technologique – La Fontaine 2.0 ?, Atlantico.fr, 14 October 2015
- The long tail of the internet - A missed rendez-vous for French lawyers, Dalloz Avocats - Exercer et entreprendre, April 2015
- Arrêts Bluetouff et Svensson : les contenus sur internet se conjuguent à l'imparfait du subjectif, Revue Lamy Droit de l'Immatériel - RLDI, n°103, avril 2014, 15 April 2014
- Le livre numérique en France aura-t-il un prix ? / What will be the price to pay to have a price on ebooks ?, Actualitte.com, 12 November 2010
- “Protection des consommateurs face au risque de procédure collective des entreprises de vente à distance - Analyse juridique des dispositifs de protection envisageables,” FEVAD - Rapport rédigé à la demande de Monsieur Luc Chatel, secrétaire d’Etat chargé de l’Industrie et de la Consommation, 3 March 2009
- Quoted, "New EU AI Rules Will Have Global Impact," Agenda, 16 January 2024
- Mentioned, Trust and data law in MENA among key themes explored at PrivSec Global February 2022 day two, GRC World Forums, 17 February 2022
Claude Etienne Armingaud is, in my opinion, the partner who stands out for several reasons. Beyond the legal skills, he demonstrates a very good knowledge of technological subjects and privacy implications. In addition, he invests heavily in the development of privacy professionals, whether young lawyers, jurists or others.
The impressive knowledge of the field of personal data protection is undoubtedly the asset of the team of this law firm. Knowing all regulations and legislative updates regarding personal data allows for practical and in-depth advice. They are pragmatic and competent in any matter of personal data protection whatever the legal basis to be used: French legislation, European regulations, international texts. I highly recommend the K&L Gates for any digital society legal issue born.
With notable experience in the implementation of GDPR compliance and data protection, the team at K&L Gates LLP coordinates with the firm's wider European practice to act for multinational clients in the luxury goods, entertainment, and telecoms sectors. Practice head Claude-Etienne Armingaud frequently acts for fintech clients in contentious multi-jurisdictional matters regarding IP and IT data protection.
- "The team is well versed and up to date on the current standards and practices. Team members are all very flexible in their availability and very responsive."
- "The team provides sharp advices and has great sector industry knowledge."
- "The team has in-depth expertise and great ability to anticipate future legislation."
- "Claude Etienne Armingaud is more than a lawyer; he is a trusted partner who knows his own limits and is very friendly."
- “K&L Gates LLP occupies a unique place in the market with its focus on media and entertainment clients and its impressive track record in handling matters for French professional associations, including those representing communication agencies, advertising players and online publishers. Practice heads Etienne Drouard and Claude-Etienne Armingaud are well versed in cross-border matters as demonstrated by their frequent involvement in matters involving multinational companies, particularly clients from the US and Asia. Instructions relating to GDPR compliance also account for a significant portion of the workload. The practice also offers clients the use of artificial intelligence tools to facilitate document analyses, knowledge management and document drafting. While the tools are employed across the board, they are particularly beneficial in litigation through the improved management of document evidence."
- "The data protection team can be noted for its outstanding quality, reputation and high responsiveness. With their international network, in-depth knowledge of the market, the technology and their legal strength it is an excellent firm to go to for data protection matters."
- "Really pleasant team to work with. Responsive and team players."
- "The K&L Gates privacy team in France has a lot of knowledge regarding cross-border privacy issues."
- "Claude-Etienne Armingaud is a true data protection thought leader. With his in-depth knowledge of the market, technology and his legal strength he is the person to go to for all data protection matters. He is an expert in the fields of new technological areas including fintech, blockchain and the internet of things where he combines his extensive data protection knowledge with his market and technological experience."
“At K&L Gates LLP, the IP, IT and privacy group encompasses the firm's corporate and commercial offering in the technological space under the joint leadership of Claude-Etienne Armingaud and Etienne Drouard, whose 'perfect mastery of the law, outstanding understanding of complex issues and personal courage' impresses clients. The group was recently instructed by three major transport companies to advise on the provision of WiFi services in their train and subway stations and airports. (…) Armingaud is assisting a utility provider with the implementation of a smart city hub. Also notable is the group's work in the online marketing and advertising, connected device and new technology, and online distribution sectors.”
“K&L Gates LLP’s (…) Claude-Etienne Armingaud specialises in cross-border transactions and outsourcing contracts in the fields of fintech, IoT and big data. Notable transactional work included Armingaud’s advice to Bridgestone on its €12m share deal with Eliocity, which also entailed assistance with IT, IP and data protection due diligence. On the data protection front, the practice’s caseload includes advice to Carglass on the implementation of its GDPR compliance programme, and assisting BNP Paribas with its personal data privacy policy. The department’s client roster also includes JCDecaux, Microsoft, SNCF and SloClap.”
"K&L Gates LLP advises on sophisticated global and domestic IT projects and is another name to note in very innovative digital projects for major French clients. The seven-lawyer team is also a reference for data privacy matters and is handling an important dispute with the French data regulator regarding the use of cookies. (…) Recently promoted partner Claude-Etienne Armingaud ‘wastes no time and is straight to the point.”
"Senior associate Claude-Etienne Armingaud is another name to note."