HR Perspective: 2023 - Understanding a Year of Changes and What Comes Next
In the final HR Perspective session for 2023, Labour, Employment and Workplace Safety partners Michaela Moloney and Nick Ruskin, along with senior associate John Monroe, discussed some of the key developments in 2023 and what employers should be doing to prepare for 2024 including:
- Hybrid working here to stay;
- Steps towards greater gender equality;
- Psychosocial hazards;
- Intractable bargaining disputes;
- The positive duty to prevent sexual harassment and sex discrimination – should you be doing anything different?
- Fixed term contracts - where are we now?
- Single enterprise bargaining what has happened and what can we expect next?
- The third proposed tranche of Fair Work amendments – should you be doing anything to prepare?
Western Australian practitioners - To add this session to your Legal Practice Board CPD Management System (CPDMS) record, please email your Certificate of Attendance and Practitioner ID to cle@klgates.com.