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Global Survey of ESG Regulations for Asset Managers

ESG and the Sustainable Economy Handbook

Date: February 2025

Investment advisers offering funds in more than one country are accustomed to adapting to different regulatory requirements. However, the challenges presented by the global regulation of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing strategies are presenting a particularly arduous burden. Not only do investor demands differ among countries, but the regulators and other controlling bodies have imposed, or proposed to impose, different requirements that will impact approaches to investing fund assets, disclosures, and marketing, even with respect to the same strategies.

In the latest chapter of the ESG and the Sustainable Economy Handbook, our lawyers—located in the Americas (the United States), Asia (Hong Kong, Japan, and Singapore), Australia, and Europe (the United Kingdom and the European Union, including Ireland and Luxembourg)—provide an overview of their regional regulation by responding to the same eight questions regarding the existing ESG-related rules and other ESG developments impacting the investment management industry.

To access the new chapter, click here.

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