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2025 CPD Program–Australia

Date: 11 February - 20 February 2025
Location: Australia and via Webinar

In 2025, K&L Gates will offer the annual continuous professional development (CPD) Program in a hybrid model to support Australian lawyers gain your mandatory points before the 31 March deadline.

You can attend in-person sessions in any of our Australian offices or join our interactive national webinar, where you will have the opportunity to ask questions and participate. The national webinar will also be recorded and posted to our HUB CLE Centre in early March if you need to watch them at a later date.

In-Person Sessions

Details of the in-person sessions taking place in our four Australian offices has been set out below. To register for these events, click "register" (at the top of each state's summary) and select the session/s of interest.

All sessions will be one hour and qualify for one CPD point applicable for all Australian states and territories.


Our Melbourne in-person CPD Program will take place on Tuesday, 11 February from 8:15 AM – 5:00 PM. Sessions at the Melbourne CPD Program will include:

Session 1: Legal Professional Privilege | 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

This program provides a practical guide to establishing, claiming, and maintaining legal professional privilege. This session covers: 

  • The purpose, legal basis, and elements of privilege;
  • The types of communications protected by privilege;
  • How to avoid waiving privilege; and
  • Case studies and latest developments.

Speakers: Christien Corns, Partner and Sam Rappensberg, Senior Associate

CPD Points: Ethics and Professional Responsibility

Session 2: Privacy Update  –  What you Need to Know | 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM

This session will discuss:

  • The recent privacy law reforms and what they mean for you; and
  • What to expect in 2025 and beyond.

Speakers: Cameron Abbott, Partner and Stephanie Mayhew, Lawyer

CPD Points: Substantive Law

Session 3: Mandatory ACCC Clearance for Acquisitions: How This Seismic Change Will Affect Your Business – and Other Key Upcoming Changes to Competition and Consumer Laws | 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

This session will focus on: 

  • The introduction of Mandatory Merger Clearance: 
    • The low monetary thresholds meaning that large numbers of acquisitions will require clearance;
    • The broad definition of 'acquisition' meaning the focus is much broader than mergers and acquisitions;
    • What is involved: the applications, the process and timelines (and whether you will qualify for a waiver);
    • What this means for you in planning acquisitions/deals and timelines and proactivity; and
    • What it means for you if you are a 'serial acquirer'/your business model involves ongoing acquisition – in the face of the proposed three-year look-back provision.
  • Updates on other key upcoming changes: 
    • Potential penalties for breaches of Consumer Guarantees and Manufacturers refusing to indemnify retailers for breaches; and
    • The likely introduction of a prohibition of Unfair Practices.

Speaker: Ayman Guirguis, Partner

CPD Points: Substantive Law

Session 4: Leadership | 12:45 PM - 1:45 PM

During this session, Clare Monger will explore what legal teams and leaders can do to sustain a team's capacity to innovate, create and solve complex problems in a rapidly changing environment.


Speaker: Clare Monger, Associate Director – Human Resources

CPD Points: Practice Management and Business Skills

Session 5: Sustainable Investment Issues | 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM

In this session, we will provide an update on key sustainability developments in Australia including:

  • Mandatory climate related reporting;
  • Greenwashing and enforcement action;
  • Product labelling;
  • Regulation of trading in and the use of carbon credits; and
  • Sustainable investment taxonomy.
  • What does all this mean though now that we have a Trump administration? Will there be a halt on "going green?"

Asset Management and Investment Funds partner Lance Dial, will virtually join us from Boston to explore the changing sustainability landscape from a United States standpoint.

Speakers: Jim Bulling, Partner, Lance Dial, Partner and Simon Kiburg, Senior Associate

CPD Points: Substantive Law

Session 6: State of the Workplace | 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

2024 saw broad-sweeping changes to employment laws, from the commencement of the "Right to Disconnect", changes to employee/contractor laws, new minimum standards and protection for "employee-like workers", the introduction of same job same pay provisions, the expansion of regulation relating to managing psychosocial risk and workplace delegate rights and the introduction of wage theft legislation.

This session will provide attendees with an insight into the key changes and risks they need to be across in 2025.

Speakers: Nick Ruskin, Partner and Meg Aitken, Senior Associate

CPD Points: Practice Management and Business Skills


Our Brisbane in-person CPD Program will take place on Thursday, 13 February from 8:15 AM – 3:45 PM. Sessions at the Brisbane CPD Program will include:

Session 1: Privilege - How to get it and Keep it | 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

This program provides a practical guide to establishing, claiming, and maintaining legal professional privilege. This session covers:

  • The purpose, legal basis, and elements of privilege;
  • The types of communications protected by privilege;
  • How to avoid waiving privilege; and
  • Case studies and latest developments.

Speaker: Ian Dorey, Partner

CPD Points: Ethics and Professional Responsibility

Session 2: State of the Workplace | 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM

2024 saw broad-sweeping changes to employment laws, from the commencement of the "Right to Disconnect", changes to employee/contractor laws, new minimum standards and protection for "employee-like workers", the introduction of same job same pay provisions, the expansion of regulation relating to managing psychosocial risk and workplace delegate rights and the introduction of wage theft legislation.

This session will provide attendees with an insight into the key changes and risks they need to be across in 2025.

Speakers: Alanna Fitzpatrick, Partner and Andrew Wheeldon, Special Counsel

CPD Points: Practice Management and Business Skills

Session 3: Mandatory ACCC Clearance for Acquisitions: How This Seismic Change Will Affect Your Business – and Other Key Upcoming Changes to Competition and Consumer Laws | 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

This session will focus on: 

  • The introduction of Mandatory Merger Clearance: 
    • The low monetary thresholds meaning that large numbers of acquisitions will require clearance;
    • The broad definition of 'acquisition' meaning the focus is much broader than mergers and acquisitions;
    • What is involved: the applications, the process and timelines (and whether you will qualify for a waiver);
    • What this means for you in planning acquisitions/deals and timelines and proactivity; and
    • What it means for you if you are a 'serial acquirer'/your business model involves ongoing acquisition – in the face of the proposed three-year look-back provision.
  • Updates on other key upcoming changes: 
    • Potential penalties for breaches of Consumer Guarantees and Manufacturers refusing to indemnify retailers for breaches; and
    • The likely introduction of a prohibition of Unfair Practices.

Speaker: Ayman Guirguis, Partner

CPD Points: Substantive Law

Session 4: Privacy Update - What you Need to Know | 12:45 PM - 1:45 PM

This session will discuss:

  • The recent privacy law reforms and what they mean for you; and
  • What to expect in 2025 and beyond.

Speakers: Cameron Abbott, Partner and Stephanie Mayhew, Lawyer

CPD Points: Substantive Law

Session 5: Directors' Duties and Governance and Matters Effecting the C-suite | 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM

This presentation will provide a timely refresher on directors' and officers' obligations as well as a look at what legal issues are going to be effecting the c-suite in the year ahead.

Speakers: Carl Hinze, Partner and Khilen Devani, Partner

CPD Points: Substantive Law


Our Sydney in-person CPD Program will take place on Tuesday, 18 February from 8:15 AM – 5:45 PM. Sessions at the Sydney CPD Program will include:

Session 1: Mandatory ACCC Clearance for Acquisitions: How This Seismic Change Will Affect Your Business – and Other Key Upcoming Changes to Competition and Consumer Laws | 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

This session will focus on: 

  • The introduction of Mandatory Merger Clearance: 
    • The low monetary thresholds meaning that large numbers of acquisitions will require clearance;
    • The broad definition of 'acquisition' meaning the focus is much broader than mergers and acquisitions;
    • What is involved: the applications, the process and timelines (and whether you will qualify for a waiver);
    • What this means for you in planning acquisitions/deals and timelines and proactivity; and
    • What it means for you if you are a 'serial acquirer'/your business model involves ongoing acquisition – in the face of the proposed three-year look-back provision.
  • Updates on other key upcoming changes: 
    • Potential penalties for breaches of Consumer Guarantees and Manufacturers refusing to indemnify retailers for breaches; and
    • The likely introduction of a prohibition of Unfair Practices.

Speaker: Ayman Guirguis, Partner

CPD Points: Substantive Law

Session 2: State of the Workplace | 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM

2024 saw broad-sweeping changes to employment laws, from the commencement of the "Right to Disconnect", changes to employee/contractor laws, new minimum standards and protection for "employee-like workers", the introduction of same job same pay provisions, the expansion of regulation relating to managing psychosocial risk and workplace delegate rights and the introduction of wage theft legislation.

This session will provide attendees with an insight into the key changes and risks they need to be across in 2025.

Speakers: Stephen Hardy, Partner and Leila Moddel, Partner

CPD Points: Practice Management and Business Skills

Session 3: The Honest Lawyer: Why do People Laugh at the Notion of an Honest Lawyer? | 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Why do people laugh at the notion of an honest lawyer? Murray Landis, partner from our Corporate/M&A Group, discusses why the duty to act honestly is at the core of your professional obligations. Also, how far can you go in advancing your employer and client's interest without breaching your duties as an officer of the court and trustee of the legal system?

Speaker: Murray Landis, Partner

CPD Points: Ethics and Professional Responsibility

Session 4: Data Centres – What's Happening | 12:45 PM - 1:45 PM

This session will provide attendees with an overview on:

  • Trends;
  • Site considerations; and
  • Co-location agreements.

Speakers: Samuel Brown, Partner and Jennifer McCosker, Partner

CPD Points: Substantive Law

Session 5: Hot Topics in Tax - 2024/25 | 2:15 PM - 3:15 PM

This presentation will provide an overview on recent tax issues that are front of mind for our clients, including:

  • The ATO's crackdown on the treatment of royalty withholding tax;
  • Reforms to the thin capitalisation rules impacting deductions of debt;
  • Payroll tax's state of flux and Uber's victory in court; and
  • Duty changes in NSW and Victoria.

The session will provide a brief update on these and other topical issues.

Speakers: Stuart Broadfoot, Partner, Matthew Cridland, Partner and Beliz Ozturk, Lawyer

CPD Points: Substantive Law

Session 6: Renewable, Sustainable Aviation Fuels and Hydrogen Energy Investment Opportunities in Australia | 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

This session will provide an overview of Australia’s energy market, focusing on government policy, market trends, and investment opportunities, while highlighting the nation’s competitive advantages and supportive policy framework.

Speaker: James Durnall, Partner

CPD Points: Substantive Law

Session 7: Environmental Licencing and Corporate Environmental Liability - Liability of Managers and Directors' | 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM

The presentation will consider concepts of management and control in relation to environmental licencing of major projects, together with a discussion of the concepts of 'executive liability' and 'special executive liability' for environmental offences.

Speakers: Paul Lalich, Partner, Andrew Scully, Special Counsel and Madeleine Ryan, Lawyer

CPD Points: Substantive Law


Our Perth in-person CPD Program will take place on Thursday, 20 February from 8:15 AM – 5:45 PM. Sessions at the Perth CPD Program will include.

Session 1: Legal Professional Privilege | 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

This program provides a practical guide to establishing, claiming, and maintaining legal professional privilege. This session covers: 

  • The purpose, legal basis, and elements of privilege;
  • The types of communications protected by privilege;
  • How to avoid waiving privilege; and 
  • Case studies and latest developments.

Speakers: Nicholas Brown, Partner and Philip Murray, Special Counsel

CPD Points: Ethics and Professional Responsibility

Session 2: Leadership | 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM

During this session, Clare Monger will explore what legal teams and leaders can do to sustain a team's capacity to innovate, create and solve complex problems in a rapidly changing environment.

Speaker: Clare Monger, Associate Director – Human Resources

CPD Points: Professional Skills

Session 3: Mandatory ACCC Clearance for Acquisitions: How This Seismic Change Will Affect Your Business – and Other Key Upcoming Changes to Competition and Consumer Laws | 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

This session will focus on: 

  • The introduction of Mandatory Merger Clearance: 
    • The low monetary thresholds meaning that large numbers of acquisitions will require clearance;
    • The broad definition of 'acquisition' meaning the focus is much broader than mergers and acquisitions;
    • What is involved: the applications, the process and timelines (and whether you will qualify for a waiver);
    • What this means for you in planning acquisitions/deals and timelines and proactivity; and
    • What it means for you if you are a 'serial acquirer'/your business model involves ongoing acquisition – in the face of the proposed three-year look-back provision.
  • Updates on other key upcoming changes: 
    • Potential penalties for breaches of Consumer Guarantees and Manufacturers refusing to indemnify retailers for breaches; and
    • The likely introduction of a prohibition of Unfair Practices.

Speaker: Ayman Guirguis, Partner

CPD Points: Substantive Law

Session 4: WA Property Law Principles and Traps Relevant to In-House Lawyers | 12:45 PM - 1:45 PM

This session will cover key aspects of WA Real Estate law and practice where the consequences of a mistake are particularly expensive or difficult to fix, such as:
  • Statutory timeframes;
  • Failing to obtain statutory consents;
  • Lease terms sheets: key drivers for tenants;
  • Clauses in leases that can be expensive for tenants;
  • Bank guarantees;
  • Consequences of failing to register at Landgate or lodge a caveat; and
  • Land contamination responsibilities in sale / purchase contracts and leases.

Speaker: Simon Moen, Partner

CPD Points: Substantive Law

Session 5: Generative AI - Emerging Innovative Legal us Cases and the Global Regulatory Response | 2:15 PM - 3:15 PM

With AI technologies rapidly developing, this session will provide attendees an overview of the current developments, how it can be used for in house legal teams and your outside counsel, as well as exploring the regulatory response in Australia and around the world.

Speaker: Daniel Knight, Partner

CPD Points: Practice Management and Business Skills

Session 6: State of the Workplace | 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

2024 saw broad-sweeping changes to employment laws, from the commencement of the "Right to Disconnect", changes to employee/contractor laws, new minimum standards, and protection for "employee-like workers", the introduction of same job same pay provisions, the expansion of regulation relating to managing psychosocial risk and workplace delegate rights and the introduction of wage theft legislation.

This session will provide attendees with an insight into the key changes and risks they need to be across in 2025.

Speaker: Alanna Fitzpatrick, Partner

CPD Points: Practice Management and Business Skills

Session 7: Top Tips for Start-ups and Venture Capital | 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM

Corporate venture capital can speed up internal innovation efforts, but doing so successfully requires an understanding of the start-up and VC landscape. This session will explore:

  • Accelerating internal innovation with corporate VC;
  • The start-up and the venture capital landscape; and
  • Typical transaction documents – tips, traps, risks and cautionary tales.

Speaker: Luke Paterson, Partner

CPD Points: Substantive Law

For Western Australian Practitioners: In order to receive your CPD points, please ensure you are viewing sessions from the last 12 months. If you view a pre-recorded session via our HUB CLE Centre, please email your Certificate of Attendance and Practitioner ID to for the session to be added to your Legal Practice Board CPD Management System (CPDMS) record.

Live Webinar


Our live webinar will take place on Wednesday, 12 February from 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM (AEDT).

To register for this event, click on the REGISTER button (above) and select the session/s of interest. All sessions will be one hour and qualify for one CPD point applicable for all Australian states and territories.

Sessions at the live webinar CPD Program will include:

Session 1: Conflicted Directors | 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

This session will discuss conflicts of interest for directors and provide a framework for considering whether a conflict has arisen and why, as well as strategies for effectively managing conflicts. A number of scenarios will be used to illustrate the general principles.

Speaker: James Lonie, Partner

CPD Points: Ethics and Professional Responsibility

Session 2: State of the Workplace | 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

2024 saw broad-sweeping changes to employment laws, from the commencement of the "Right to Disconnect", changes to employee/contractor laws, new minimum standards and protection for "employee-like workers", the introduction of same job same pay provisions, the expansion of regulation relating to managing psychosocial risk and workplace delegate rights and the introduction of wage theft legislation.

This session will provide attendees with an insight into the key changes and risks they need to be across in 2025.

Speakers: Nick Ruskin, Partner and Meg Aitken, Senior Associate

CPD Points: Practice Management and Business Skills

Session 3: Generative AI - Emerging Innovative Legal use Cases and the Global Regulatory Response | 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

With AI technologies rapidly developing, this session will provide attendees an overview of the current developments, how it can be used for in house legal teams and your outside counsel, as well as exploring the regulatory response in Australia and around the world.

Speaker: Daniel Knight, Partner

CPD Points: Practice Management and Business Skills

Session 4: Mandatory ACCC Clearance for Acquisitions: How This Seismic Change Will Affect Your Business – and Other Key Upcoming Changes to Competition and Consumer Laws | 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

This session will focus on: 

  • The introduction of Mandatory Merger Clearance: 
    • The low monetary thresholds meaning that large numbers of acquisitions will require clearance;
    • The broad definition of 'acquisition' meaning the focus is much broader than mergers and acquisitions;
    • What is involved: the applications, the process and timelines (and whether you will qualify for a waiver);
    • What this means for you in planning acquisitions/deals and timelines and proactivity; and
    • What it means for you if you are a 'serial acquirer'/your business model involves ongoing acquisition – in the face of the proposed three-year look-back provision.
  • Updates on other key upcoming changes: 
    • Potential penalties for breaches of Consumer Guarantees and Manufacturers refusing to indemnify retailers for breaches; and
    • The likely introduction of a prohibition of Unfair Practices.

Speaker: Ayman Guirguis, Partner

CPD Points: Substantive Law

Session 5: Privacy Update - What you Need to Know | 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

This session will discuss:

  • The recent privacy law reforms and what they mean for you; and
  • What to expect in 2025 and beyond.

Speakers: Cameron Abbott, Partner and Stephanie Mayhew, Lawyer

CPD Points: Substantive Law

Session 6: Sustainable Investment Issues | 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

In this session, we will provide an update on key sustainability developments in Australia including:

  • Mandatory climate related reporting;
  • Greenwashing and enforcement action;
  • Product labelling;
  • Regulation of trading in and the use of carbon credits; and
  • Sustainable investment taxonomy.
  • What does all this mean though now that we have a Trump administration? Will there be a halt on "going green?"

Asset Management and Investment Funds partner Lance Dial, will virtually join us from Boston to explore the changing sustainability landscape from a United States standpoint.

Speakers: Jim Bulling, Partner and Lisa Lautier, Partner

CPD Points: Substantive Law

Session 7: The Regulators' Approach to the Private Credit Market | 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Over the past few years, we have witnessed the rise and rise of the private credit market in Australia. In this session, we will explore what this means for traditional lending and why both APRA and ASIC have identified private credit as a focus area for them in their regulatory agenda. We will also consider the emerging themes in private credit and how restructuring and insolvency tools can be utilised in instances of financial distress.

Speakers: Claudine Salameh, Partner and Jason Gaitz, Senior Associate

CPD Points: Substantive Law

For Western Australian Practitioners: In order to receive your CPD points, please ensure you are viewing sessions from the last 12 months. If you view a pre-recorded session via our HUB CLE Centre, please email your Certificate of Attendance and Practitioner ID to for the session to be added to your Legal Practice Board CPD Management System (CPDMS) record.

What Qualifies for a CPD Point in 2024/25?

All sessions held during the 2025 CPD Program will be held for one hour and qualify for one CPD point applicable for all Australian states and territories.

For Western Australian Practitioners: To receive your CPD points, please ensure you are viewing sessions from the last 12 months. If you view a pre-recorded session via our HUB CLE Centre, please email your Certificate of Attendance and Practitioner ID to for the session to be added to your Legal Practice Board CPD Management System (CPDMS) record.

How to Access Recordings

Recordings of the live webinar will be posted to our HUB CLE Centre in March.

To view the recording, click here to be directed to our online HUB CLE Centre. Log in to your HUB account (or set up a new account) and click to register for each session for them to qualify as CPD points.

To create a new HUB account, click here and enter your details into the mandatory fields as a "New User". When you have provided all the necessary information, click on "Create Account".

Once your account is set up, you can click the topics on this page to go to other sessions on our HUB and click "WATCH NOW". For every session you register, it will add that to your account so you can return to watch the recordings at any time.

Our HUB will keep a record of the sessions you have viewed (including the amount of time spent watching – so watch until the end).


For questions, please contact:

Jasmine Jesty

Market Development Specialist - Melbourne

+61 3 9640 4303

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We welcome your email, but please understand that if you are not already a client of K&L Gates LLP, we cannot represent you until we confirm that doing so would not create a conflict of interest and is otherwise consistent with the policies of our firm. Accordingly, please do not include any confidential information until we verify that the firm is in a position to represent you and our engagement is confirmed in a letter. Prior to that time, there is no assurance that information you send us will be maintained as confidential. Thank you for your consideration.

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